Workshop Description

Workshop Program


"Hadron physics on the Lattice" 

Conveners: Constantia Alexandrou and Chris Michael



Theoretical developments and computer technology have enabled lattice QCD to enter

a new phase producing results closer to the physical regime and thus more relevant to

experiment than ever before. The ability to simulate dynamical quarks has eliminated

the quenched approximation that was typical of lattice calculations in the nineties. Theoretical

developments that allow simulation of fermions without explicitly breaking chiral

symmetry and at the same time avoiding doubling of fermion species have opened new

horizons for the study of Strong Interactions where chiral symmetry plays a crucial role.

New algorithms together with faster computers make possible simulation of dynamical

quarks with small masses. State-of-the-art lattice simulations reach pion mass as low as

250 MeV allowing application of chiral perturbation theory to reliably extrapolate lattice

results to the physical point. Given these developments, results from lattice QCD

are valuable input for phenomenology and ongoing experiments at major experimental

facilities such as RHIC and CERN.

The goal of the workshop is to communicate the progress in lattice QCD to other

scientists working in Hadron Physics and to discuss with them future prospects and directions

that could be pursued. To help identify common areas of interest we chose the

topics of the workshop to be closely connected to those of the conference.

Following the tradition of the conference, there will be no written proceedings, in order

to encourage presentations and discussions of ongoing work and of preliminary results.





 Monday, 10 September  2007

09:00 J.W. Negele (MIT)

Hadron Structure

9:45  S. Hashimoto (KEK Tsukuba)

Pion form factors


Coffee Break

11:00  C. Urbach (Berlin)

Light dynamical fermions and flavour singlets

11:45 G. Herdoiza (INFN, Rome)

Probing the chiral regime with light dynamical fermions



14:00 G. Colangelo (Bern)

Status of chiral extrapolations of lattice results I

14:45  C. Allton (Swansea)

In medium hadron properties from lattice QCD

15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 S. Simula (Rome III)

Electric dipole moment of the neutron

16:45 W. Detmold (Washigton)

Electromagnetic and spin polarizabilities from Lattice QCD

17:30  C. Morningstar (Carnegie Melon)

Excited baryons on the lattice

 Tuesday, 11 September 2007

09:00 G. Schierholz (DESY-Zeuthen)

Transverse spin structure of the nucleon

09:45 R. Sommer (DESY-Zeuthen)

Determination of quark masses


Coffee Break

11:00 C. Davies (Glasgow)

Charm physics from lattice QCD

11:45 Th. Korzec (Cyprus)

Form factors for the nucleon-Delta system

12:30 Lunch
14:00 N. Ishii (Tsukuba)

The nuclear force from lattice QCD

14:45 A. Walker-Loud* (Maryland)

Nucleon-nucleon and pi-pi scattering


* to be confirmed